Sunday, February 21, 2010


What is it that we look for in a guy? Who do we consider to be “Mr. Perfect”? Well, we don’t all share the same ideas when it comes to conjuring up our perfect men. However, I can tell you that a vast majority of us are aiming a little too high. We’re setting ourselves up for failure and sabotaging our own love lives. We’ve become so tangled up in our likes and dislikes that we’ve overlooked all the great guys in between. I’m not saying that we should settle for the next best thing, I’m just suggesting that we take it down a notch! Seriously, people! Do we really expect to find a man that fits each and every requirement that we’ve set for him? Is it really so difficult for us to learn to accept the little things that bother us?

Let’s be honest, some of us can be a bit ridiculous at times and we do tend to overreact. Just remember, it’s not the small things that matter. It’s the big things! Does he care about you and your feelings? Does he love you? Does he satisfy your needs? Well what are you bitching about?

We have carefully set our standards and learned to use them as a guideline when looking for “the perfect man” and we will stop at nothing until we find him. Well, guess what! You’re doing it all wrong! It’s time to forget about all that bull shit. There’s an incredibly slight chance of you finding someone who fits your standards to a T. This is one very good reason for you to lower them. I mean, nobody wants to be the cat lady!

I would highly suggest that you reconsider your ideal man. You should write two lists. The first list, “My Guy”, should consist of five things you want or must have in a man. The second list, “Not My Guy”, should consist of five things you couldn’t possibly deal with no matter how cute he is. These lists can consist of anything. Just be reasonable and make sure you don’t have more than five on either list. You want to keep things simple and not expect too much. After all, we’re only human.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


                Don’t start thinking the photographers, makeup artists, etc. work for you. That’s not how it works, honey! There’s absolutely no need to treat people as if they’re less than you. No matter how fabulous you think you are, the world does not revolve around you. You’d actually be quite surprised to see how disposable you are when your inner DIVA shines through. People are not going to tolerate your poor attitude. I’d suggest you drop the DIVA act and learn how to be respectful and easy to work with. You’re not the only pretty face in town! GET OVER YOURSELF!  Failure to comply may result in your life passing you by.

                Make sure that you’re in the best shape of your life. You should be caring for everything from fitness to hair, from skin to nails. Nobody can care for you better than you can care for yourself. Listen to your body and be sure to give it what it needs. Your appearance is what matters to the people you might need to impress. Just don’t overdo it! When going out for castings or go-sees, make sure you’re bringing your natural beauty. I’m not saying that you have to leave the makeup at home, just keep it fresh and natural.  LEAVE THE PRETTY PAINTED DIVA AT HOME!

                In order to know your best angles, you need to learn how the light hits your face. Some people are naturally photogenic, but others need to learn. I’ve found that the best way to learn your angles is to photograph yourself. You should be able to tell when the light hits you wrong. I promise, it won’t be pretty! So grab your camera and get to snapping! Take note of the good, the bad, and the ugly! It will help to learn all your angles, good and bad! MAKE LOVE TO THE CAMERA!

                If you aren’t confident, FAKE IT! Teach yourself to appear confident, whether you are or not. If this is where your DIVA attitude works, by all means, USE IT! Just don’t be the DIVA who treats people like dirt. That will crush you!  DIVA CONFIDENCE WITHOUT THE DIVA ATTITUDE!

                Whatever your makeup, wardrobe, etc, you better learn to like it. You’re not always going to love what you’re wearing or who you’re working with, but you damn well better know how to look and act like you do. Just like anything else in life, you’re sometimes going to be expected to wear something that you wouldn’t usually wear or work with someone you don’t particularly care for. GET OVER IT! If you want to succeed, you’ll have to learn how to accept everything as it is.
If you’re working with someone you don’t like, just be respectful and it will all be over soon enough. I’m not saying you have to be their best friend, just don’t let them know that you’re not fond of them and everything will work out fine. RELAX AND BREATHE!
If you find yourself wearing something that you don’t fancy, OWN IT ANYWAY! You’re not being asked to worship what you’re wearing, you’re being asked to sell it. SO SELL IT! It’s not the end of the world! You’re certainly not going to be dressed in anything that doesn’t look good on you. Just don’t bitch and complain. THAT’S DIVA!

***Take this seriously, but only if you can find the seriousness in it. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It seems as though all relationships are based on sex these days. Even people who've just started dating are having sex. Is sex really so important that it's mandatory on the first date? What happened to getting to know a person before sleeping with them? What happened to intimacy? I find it very difficult to believe that first date sex is very intimate.

I guess I just don't understand how sex got to be everyone's top priority. It seems to be the main goal for people who are dating. The "hook up" has seriously injured the world of dating. Casual sex has slowly suffocated any hope for romantic types like myself to be able to date the old-fashioned way. I'm looking for a relationship based on more than just sex. I don't want my first date with someone to consist of a quick bite, maybe coffee, and sex! That's if we even have an opportunity to eat and have coffee before I'm stripped of my dignity. 

Sex has been so exploited that I find it very hard to be interested in it at all. And you can imagine how difficult that is, being a gay man. Men are definitely more interested in sex than women. So if I'm not interested in having casual sex, that eliminates about 98% of my potential dates. Which can be very frustrating for a person who produces twice as much love as the average human. 

Seriously, it sickens me to think of how much love is built up inside of me. There should be a surgery for such a thing. It can become quite frustrating and overwhelming at times. So I find ways to release my love in different ways. I should find a way to bottle it, disguise it, and sell it to the mean and angry people of the world. Now, that could haul in some serious dough!

Thanks for reading! 

I apologize for the tireless rant, but I'm bored and full of feelings. As usual!
