Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hey Friends,
I just wanted to share my little workout routine to help all of you the way I've helped myself.

This is a great bodyweight workout routine for anyone. 

You can change the order of each workout to your preference. Crunches are probably everyones least favorite, so they're always hanging at the bottom of the list. However, I recommend starting with squats to get your heart rate up and your adrenaline pumping. 

-50 Squats

-10 Squat Jumps

-20 Push ups

-20 Lunges

-1 60 Second Plank

-50 Jumping Jacks

-30 Mountain Climbers

-20 Ab Cycles

-20 Crunches

This is just where I began. You can definitely add to it as your body becomes stronger and is able to handle a more intense workout.

Be Happy, Be Fit!


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