What is it that we look for in a guy? Who do we consider to be “Mr. Perfect”? Well, we don’t all share the same ideas when it comes to conjuring up our perfect men. However, I can tell you that a vast majority of us are aiming a little too high. We’re setting ourselves up for failure and sabotaging our own love lives. We’ve become so tangled up in our likes and dislikes that we’ve overlooked all the great guys in between. I’m not saying that we should settle for the next best thing, I’m just suggesting that we take it down a notch! Seriously, people! Do we really expect to find a man that fits each and every requirement that we’ve set for him? Is it really so difficult for us to learn to accept the little things that bother us?
Let’s be honest, some of us can be a bit ridiculous at times and we do tend to overreact. Just remember, it’s not the small things that matter. It’s the big things! Does he care about you and your feelings? Does he love you? Does he satisfy your needs? Well what are you bitching about?
We have carefully set our standards and learned to use them as a guideline when looking for “the perfect man” and we will stop at nothing until we find him. Well, guess what! You’re doing it all wrong! It’s time to forget about all that bull shit. There’s an incredibly slight chance of you finding someone who fits your standards to a T. This is one very good reason for you to lower them. I mean, nobody wants to be the cat lady!
I would highly suggest that you reconsider your ideal man. You should write two lists. The first list, “My Guy”, should consist of five things you want or must have in a man. The second list, “Not My Guy”, should consist of five things you couldn’t possibly deal with no matter how cute he is. These lists can consist of anything. Just be reasonable and make sure you don’t have more than five on either list. You want to keep things simple and not expect too much. After all, we’re only human.
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