Saturday, November 21, 2009


Is it just me, or does it seem like everything is either moving way too fast or way too slow? There is never a moderate speed for time and it always seems to be racing against you. When you're trying to take it slow, time seems to gain speed. And then you have the times when you just can't wait to do something and time drags it's ass, almost as if it's laughing in your face. Time was obviously created to give order to every day life, but it seems to do the exact opposite. Instead of giving us order, it's actually creating chaos. Have you ever noticed that your life seems a little less chaotic, if you simply ignore the clock on the wall? I'm not suggesting that we dispose of time, I just think people need to starting taking time back. Perhaps we should take a moment to just relax, just a few minutes every day, without paying any attention to time. I feel no need for rushing to get something done, and I'm certainly not going to leave myself waiting for events to occur. I'm obviously not going to completely ignore time, I happen to be very orderly. It's just the short moments when I'm not paying attention to the time, the moments when I feel most relaxed.


So just give yourself some time to breathe. There's no need to be so tense and stressed out, you'll have plenty of time to be doing that later in life.

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